Artist: Carter Clarence Wikipedia 8FilterSort Title Label Prefix No. Audio Size Format Year Close Title Label Prefix Cat #. Audio MonoStereoR-Stereo Size 7"10"12" Format LPEP4578 Year Close This Is Clarence Carter Atlantic SD 8192 S 12" LP 1968 This Is Clarence Carter Atlantic 8192 M 12" LP 1968 The Dynamic Clarence Carter Atlantic SD 8199 S 12" LP 1968 Testifyin' Atlantic SD 8238 S 12" LP 1969 Patches Atlantic SD 8267 S 12" LP 1970 The Best Of Clarence Carter Atlantic SD 8282 S 12" LP 1971 Sixty Minutes With Clarence Carter Fame FM LA 186 S 12" LP 1972 Tell Daddy / I Stayed Way Too Long Atco FAME 1010 M 7" 45 1967 Thread The Needle / Don't Make My Baby Cry Atco FAME 1013 M 7" 45 1967 Road Of Love / She Ain't Gonna Do Right Atco FAME 1016 M 7" 45 1967 Looking For A Fox / I Can't See Myself Crying About You Atlantic AT 2461 M 7" 45 1967 Slip Away / Funky Fever Atlantic AT 2508 M 7" 45 1968 Too Weak To Fight / Let Me Comfort You Atlantic AT 2569 M 7" 45 1968 Snatching It Back / Making Love At The Dark End Of The Street Atlantic AT 2605 M 7" 45 1969 The Feeling Is Right / You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure Atlantic AT 2642 M 7" 45 1969 Doin Our Thing / I Smell A Rat Atlantic AT 2660 M 7" 45 1969 Take It Off Him And Put It On Me / A Few Troubles I've Had Atlantic AT 2702 M 7" 45 1970 I Can't Leave You Alone / Devil Woman Atlantic AT 2726 M 7" 45 1970 Patches / Say It One More Time Atlantic AT 2748 M 7" 45 1970 It's All In Your Mind / Til I Can't Take It Anymore Atlantic AT 2774 M 7" 45 1970 The Court Room / Getting The Bills But No Merchandise Atlantic AT 2801 M 7" 45 1971 Slipped Tripped And Fell In Love / I Hate To Love And Run Atlantic AT 2818 M 7" 45 1971 I'm The One / Scratch My Back Atlantic AT 2842 M 7" 45 1971 If You Can't Beat Em / Lonesomest Lonesome Atlantic AT 2875 M 7" 45 1972