Artist: Troup Bobby Wikipedia 8FilterSort Title Label Prefix No. Audio Size Format Year Close Title Label Prefix Cat #. Audio MonoStereoR-Stereo Size 7"10"12" Format LPEP4578 Year Close The Songs Of Bobby Troup Bethlehem BCP 1030 M 10" LP 1955 Bobby Troup! Capitol H 484 M 10" LP 1954 Bobby Troup Sings Johnny Mercer Bethlehem BCP 19 M 12" LP 1955 The Distinctive Sound Of Bobby Troup Bethlehem BCP 35 M 12" LP 1955 Cool Interlude ST 1001 M 12" LP 1959 Bobby Troup And His Trio Liberty LRP 3002 M 12" LP 1956 Do Re Mi Liberty LRP 3026 M 12" LP 1957 Here's To My Lady Liberty LRP 3078 M 12" LP 1958 Bobby Swings Tenderly Mode LP 111 M 12" LP 1957 Bobby Troup And His Stars Of Jazz RCA Victor LSP 1959 S 12" LP 1959 Bobby Troup! Part 1 Capitol EAP 1 484 M 7" EP 1954 Bobby Troup! Part 2 Capitol EAP 2 484 M 7" EP 1954